Saturday, 20 August 2011

Keeping it together

72 hours post-surgery. I have to fight the overwhelming feeling of panic-- panic that I will and have to be immobile and in pain for a long time.  My back is already aching from being in a static position.  I try and shift slightly; a little bit to the left and then a little bit to the right. I try and prop myself up with more pillows; not really helping at all. I catch myself dozing off and experiencing “hypnagogic jerks”. As a result the damaged tendon in my leg flinches and causes extreme pain that shoots up from my big toe to my inner knee.  No rest, even in sleep.
By nature I’m very active, I haven’t truly grasped the prospect of being locked up at home for 2 months. The type of surgery I had is rare but not entirely uncommon. Serena Williams had a similar accident last   summer (2010). The range of complications she experienced through her whole ordeal is not enviable in the least. She is presently playing tennis and looking fantastic, albeit she’s had many hiccups along the way; one of which was life threatening due to blood clots in her lungs. I must admit I am a bit concerned about the potential of blood clots forming due to inactivity. However it is good to know there is information about warning signs out there that I can refer to and discuss with my Doctor and my family.
I want to keep a positive post-surgery mindset.
I’ve received so many notes and calls from friends, family and well-wishers. My hubby is keeping the home base together and doing a great job.  I’m very appreciative and I’m fortunate that I am surrounded by so many good people who are willing to assist me through my recovery.  It’s the little things that count.  Thank You.

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