Monday, 22 August 2011

Finding the Right Mantra

My sister in law suggested I find a Mantra (an instrument of the mind) to get me through the next few weeks. Something I can chant or repeat that will help deal with pain, stress, the psychological aspects of going from a purely active lifestyle to sitting propped up on the sofa in a semi-dazed state.  So I did some research and did “The Dosha Quiz”. Enter the multi-million dollar world of make yourself feel good revolution by Deepak Chopra et al.
It’s a short quiz designed to identify which of the 3 doshas is your dominant. A dosha is one of the 3 categories of the mind/body humors. They are:
Vata- controller of the nervous system, Vata dosha usually have a thin, light frame and excellent agility. Their energy comes in bursts, and they are likely to experience sudden bouts of fatigue.
Pitta- these people are ruled by their tempers, heat is the main instigator. They tend to have a fiery nature that manifests in both body and mind.
Kapha-are physically strong, large and lackadaisical. Kapha types have a strong build and excellent stamina. Large, soft eyes; smooth, radiant skin.

 Once your dosha is identified you may find the mantra that will fit your purpose.

I’m a Vata/Pitta cross. Oh dear. So basically I have a fiery temper that will flare up but taper off because I run out of energy anyway….that’s exactly how I’m feeling.

So about that Mantra… Shreem Rham, Scream, Shreem Rham, Scream, Shreem Rham, Scream... I think I could get the hang of this.

1 comment:

  1. Chess. are you starting to play chess? We should find a way to play chess on our bbys...

    I got a new bby and lost you from my contacts...I'm trying to get you back, but it doesn't seem to work.
