Sunday, 21 August 2011

Keeping it together: Part 2

Cereal, this is what I’ve been craving. 70’s style cereal.  Froot Loops, Frankenberry, Count Chocula, HoneyComb, Cocoa Puffs, Corn Pops, Lucky Charms, Frosted Flakes, Alphabits etc. The cereals I grew up on.  Bring on the full sugar coma. They're still sold in the small individual boxes at the supermarket. I want to eat bowls full of these cereals. I know it will make me feel so much better. I will be able to bound and rebound, no weight bearing necessary on my cast. Promise.
I’ve been greeted in the mornings with beautiful and hearty breakfasts built to feed the body and entice the spirit. I fiddle with these offerings because I am truly grateful, however there is no appetite hidden away in this body. I will take sustenance based on principal, because I have to.
I am finally finding sleep at any given time; painful and restless, but sleep none the less.

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