Friday, 16 December 2011

Severed EHL Tendon- Goodbye 2011!

On the road to recovery?

It's almost the end of the Year 2011. What have I done?

I'd say as an adult this has been; bar none one of the most challenging years in my life. From the get go on January 1st, 2011 it's been challenge after challenge. Each day, week and month had a new set of horrors present itself over and over to me, testing my abilities emotionally, mentally and physically. Yes severing my EHL Tendon was a big slap in the face. It shook me into a different dimension. It pinned me down and held me there until just the right time, and then it released me. I am different now. Everything tastes, smells and looks different. I want to say I have served my time. I want to say that one person can only take so much. Really though in the grand scheme of things I continue to give thanks that I am surrounded by beautiful and loving friends and family. That no matter how the going gets tough, the tough will still get going.

I've rekindled an all but dead relationship with my parents, I have accepted that although we won't always see eye to eye, they are good people with good intentions. Age doesn't always bring wisdom, experience does. Family and firm true friendships are the keys to happiness. It always was and always will be. No one is perfect, we all have to work at our relationships, and we are all dynamic and different. We’re not meant to be the same. Our injuries may be similar, but how we deal with the experiences can be worlds apart.

As I reflect on my ever present gregarious nature, I'm stricken silly that my injuries have brought out some of the best attributes in my friendships and relationships with people. I definitely know who will be in my corner for the long haul. I have connected on a different level with certain people; my eyes are wide open now more than ever before.

So all I’m asking for in the Year 2012 is to keep on this new journey--the one that opens the doors to all the magnificent new friendships and that still has a stronghold on the old ones. Oh yeah and that Zipperfoot has inadvertently set a new cornerstone in my life.

Happy Holidays to all. May you find love and joy in even the smallest things.

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